Iceberg Drift and Decay Model
This script computes the drift and decay of icebergs as Lagrangian particles. The code accompanies "An analytical model of iceberg drift", Wagner, Dell, Eisenman, J Phys Oceanogr (2017).
In order to run the script you'll need the input forcing and seeding fields. These can be downloaded here. (Please download all 5 .mat files!)
And below is a Python version of the iceberg model. Thank you to Ian Cornejo for writing this!
Energy Balance-Sea Ice Model
This script numerically solves the diffusive energy balance-sea ice model described by eqns (2), (8) and (9) in "How Climate Model Complexity Influences Sea Ice Stability", Wagner & Eisenman, J. Clim. (2015). Further detailed documentation for this script is provided in this unofficial supplement to the article:
This script solves the model of eqn (1) in "Early Warning Signals for Abrupt Change Raise False Alarms During Sea Ice Loss", Wagner & Eisenman, GRL (2015).
Energy Balance Model (EBM)
This script describes the annual mean diffusive EBM as discussed in Sec. 2b of the article above. Here we use central difference spatial integration and time stepping with MATLAB's ode45.
This script describes the annual mean diffusive EBM as discussed in Sec. 2b of the article above. Here we use central difference spatial integration and Implicit Euler time stepping.
Buoyant Glacier Flexure
This Mathematica notebook contains the main calculation of the flexural response of glaciers as described in "On the Role of Buoyant Flexure in Glacier Calving", Wagner et al, GRL (2016).
The website doesn't currently support the upload of .nb files, so here is merely a .pdf version. Please email me if you'd like the .nb file.

Working on Sea Ice (Fram Strait)
Photo: Denis Sinyakov